School for the Professional Dog Trainer

Tel: 636-376-4273


Whether it is felon search or search and rescue, tracking is another critical skill for high-level working-dog trainers. All professional trainers are must complete the basic IPO 1. Please check the categories below for master-trainer requirements.

Schutzhund/IPO Tracking

These are the basic trials for Schutzhund/IPO Tracking:

Schutzhund/IPO 1

Tracking test for TRS Professional is identical to the requirements for IPO level I. The handler lays their own track, minimum 300 paces, 3 legs (a leg refers to a straight path usually over 150 paces in length), 2 turns (approx. 90 degrees), 2 articles (articles are a strip of leather, carpet). After the handler lays the track they must wait a minimum of 20 minutes (usually more) prior to tracking with their dog.

Schutzhund/IPO 2

IPO II Tracking consists of: Following a track laid by a stranger, minimum 400 paces, 3 legs, 2 turns (approximately 90 degrees each), 2 articles. After the handler lays the track the handler dog team must wait a minimum of 30 minutes. There is a 15-minute time restriction for the handler/dog team to complete the track.

Schutzhund/IPO 3

The Master program requires passing an IPO III track. This track is laid by a stranger, with a minimum of 600 paces, 5 legs, 4 corners (approximately 90 degrees each), with 3 articles. It is aged a minimum 60 minutes, allowed execution time is 20 minutes.

Schutzhund/IPO FH

Laid by a tracklayer, 1200 paces, 7 legs, 5 angles (approx. 90 degrees) - 2 acute angles (30-60 degrees), 4 articles (fabric, wood, leather or rubber, length 10cm, width 3cm, thickness 1cm), 180-minutes old, misguiding track. Time to complete 45 min. Misguiding track in 30 minutes, before the end of the time to complete.

Evaluation: following the track 80 points articles (6*3 and 1*2) 20 points. TOTAL: 100 points

Schutzhund/IPO FH 2

Laid by a tracklayer, 1800 paces, 8 legs, 5 angles (approx. 90 degrees) - 2 acute angles (30-60 degrees), 7 articles (fabric, wood, leather or rubber, length 10cm, width 3cm, thickness 1cm), 180-minutes old, misguiding track. Time to complete 45 min. Misguiding track in 30 minutes, before the end of the time to complete.

Evaluation: following the track 80 points articles (6*3 and 1*2) 20 points. TOTAL: 100 points

Other Tracking

AKC Tracking

An AKC Tracking Test is a two-day trial. The judges and tracklayers spend most of the first day plotting a track for each dog. The judges draw charts of each track indicating landmarks that will allow them to locate the track with flags that mark the turns. The flags will be removed when the tracklayers walk the track the morning of the test.

In the actual test, the exhibitor puts the harness on the dog, attaches a 20-to-40-foot lead and begins the track. The dog is not allowed off lead at any time. The dog must follow the path the tracklayer has walked and find the article(s) dropped along the track. Judges follow the dog and handler to determine if the dog is on or off the track. If the dog is off the track and the judges determine the dog cannot return, one judge will blow the whistle signaling the dog has failed. There is no time limit as long as the dog is working. If the dog follows the track and finds the article(s) placed on the track, he earns the tracking title for the level at which he is exhibiting.

Felon Search

We require our master students to pass a test proving that their dog can find a runaway felon. We teach techniques that are used for police dogs and dogs that are required to find people that have been missing. Testing is conducted on the TRS ranch over the full 260 acres.

Search and Rescue

Basically the same as the felon search, but instead of biting the person when he is found, the dog indicates where the person they are attempting to rescue is. Testing is conducted on the TRS ranch.

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6701 Antire Rd.
High Ridge, MO 63049
Tel: 636-376-4273